We can give the healthcare professionals in your network the information and tools they need to implement a cost-effective, behavioral screening and intervention (BSI) program. Systematically addressing alcohol, depression, tobacco and other behavioral issues decreases healthcare costs.
- It’s the right thing to do for patients
- BSI improves employee health, bolsters productivity and decreases costs of health care and workers compensation. That means the employers who purchase your insurance are happier customers
- Many of the services and conditions you reimburse for are exacerbated by untreated behavioral issues
- BadgerCare Plus reimburses for BSI. We hope you’ll agree that commercial healthcare plans should support BSI at least as vigorously as BadgerCare Plus.
BSI enjoys strong support from these national organizations:
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- Centers for Disease Control
- National Business Group on Health
- National Institutes of Health
- Office of National Drug Control Policy (US Drug Czar)
- Office of the Surgeon General
- US Preventive Services Task Force
Here in Wisconsin, rates of risky and problem drinking are among the highest in the nation. The economic toll on our healthcare, social services, and criminal justice systems is monumental
- Highest US binge/risky drinking rate:
- Highest US prevalence of drunk driving:
- Tobacco use:
- Depression:
- Illicit drug use at the US average:
Alcohol and drug use in Wisconsin
- 4th leading cause of death
- 4th leading cause of hospitalization
- More than $5 billion annual economic impact
Medicaid and most commercial payers in Wisconsin will reimburse for BSI services.
The following represents a small portion of the statewide support for BSI
- The Alliance
- Business Health Care Group
- M3 Insurance Solutions
- Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality
- Wisconsin Department of Health Services
- Wisconsin Department of Transportation
- Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce
- Wisconsin Medical Society
- Wisconsin Primary Health Care Association
Rising healthcare costs can be contained by delivering BSI
- Healthcare costs for employees who have alcohol problems are about twice as high as for the average employee...
- Employers improve their bottom lines by $771 for every employee who receives a brief alcohol intervention
- Healthcare costs for patients with depression are about 1.5 times greater than the costs for patients without depression...
- Depression screening and intervention return three dollars within two years for every dollar spent