What Is BSI?
Through behavioral screening and intervention (BSI), patients are systematically screened for excessive drinking, drug use, depression, tobacco, diet, exercise, and obesity. Well-trained and supported, protocol-guided health educators deliver the services.
They employ motivational interviewing techniques to leverage a patient’s own motivations for change. The relatively few patients found to have serious disorders, such as major depression, alcoholism, and addiction, are referred according to pathways established by each healthcare setting. Most patients, who have mild to moderate risks, receive definitive care from health educators. These include the 25% of patients in Wisconsin who are not alcoholic but engage in risky or binge drinking. Health educators obtain the biggest “bang for the buck” by delivering brief alcohol interventions, which, according to the National Business Group on Health, generate reductions of:
in emergency department visits
in injuries
in hospital admissions
in arrests
in car crashes